Software Security – challenges, solutions and trends - powered by Huawei - DevAfterWork

About The Event

DevAfterWork powered by Huawei "Software Security – challenges, solutions and trends"

Event Schedule

Find out more about the schedule of this event
Timeline and speakers topics.

18:00 - 18:05

Registration & Intro Speech

18:05 - 18:35

Why an E2E process of software security is necessary and how it looks like

18:35 - 19:05

What is SAST static analysis, how does it work and what are the trends?

19:05 - 19:35

Academic trends in application security.

19:35 - 19:45

Q&A Session

Event Speakers

Sergiu Zaharia

Cyber Security Officer
Huawei Technologies

Registration Closed

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Hope to see you soon!

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