The Definitive Guide to Working with Exceptions in Java - DevAfterWork

The Definitive Guide to Working with Exceptions in Java

The Definitive Guide to Working with Exceptions in Java
Tech a way | Axway

Exceptions have been with us for 25 years in Java but have we learned to use them properly? Are checked exceptions a mistake? Should you use throw runtime or checked exceptions? And what to do with a checked exception, when you get one? And how to slay the boss of all exceptions: the NullPointerException.

Let’s put these old questions in the context of Java8+ lambdas, Vavr monads, Lombok, Spring, JAX-RS and other modern frameworks, and see the best practices of handling errors in Java today.Let’s put these old questions in the context of Java8+ lambdas, Vavr monads, Lombok, Spring, JAX-RS and other modern frameworks, and see the best practices of handling errors in Java today.

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